Travel Kuoni

Our favourite causes

Our team at Kuoni certainly go all out when it comes to raising money for our favourite causes. From outdoor movie screenings to spoof music videos, marathons to making extraordinary cakes, we’re always trying to give something back and positively support those in need.

Since 2003, we have raised over £198,000 for the Born Free Foundation. The charity works to stop wild animal suffering and protect threatened species and our funds have helped support rescued animals, build primary schools in Africa and construct lion-proof bomas.

From sponsored skydives to sailing regattas, we have helped raise money for the Family Holidays Association. This charity aims to give disadvantaged families a break, a chance to spend quality time together on holiday, and the 2015 regatta alone raised over £33,300.

LifeLine is a charity helping those working in the travel industry when they need it the most. From financial help for families with serious medical conditions to respite stays, we donate £1 per Kuoni employee each year.

Charity in action

Born Free
under the stars

We held a movie under the stars at our headquarters in Dorking, screening Born Free with star Virginia McKenna present. The event raised £2393 for the Born Free Foundation.

Beach clean at Uga Bay in Sri Lanka

We encourage beach cleans wherever possible. Even customers joined us on this one at Uga Bay in Sri Lanka.

Travel Trade Crusade

We raised over £3000 for BLISS and Neuroblastoma UK by driving around Europe in an old car and completing tasks on the Travel Trade Crusade.

Books and equipment for schools in India

We’ve worked closely with Whittalls in India to help provide exercise books, stationary and sports equipment to a little school in the village of Gallala.